freecme000 followers 2 Your Subscription freecme000 - Change Subscription Activity About Videos Streams Case Quizzes Podcasts Presentations Blogs Playlists Discussion More Channels Followers Following Recent Activity 27 days ago14:11 freecme000 has uploaded a stream ATN test Atn 789 days ago01:01 freecme000 has uploaded a case quiz 22 year old lady with muscle weakness, renal insufficiency and prot... CC 22-yr-old Hispanic lady presents with proximal muscle weakness, arthralgia, low-grade fevers, and dry mouth, eyes and difficulty swallowing. EXAM - BP 142/92 mmHg , thick and tight skin on the fingers, oral ulcers. Rest WNL LABS >creatinine of 2.1 mg/dl, >24-h urine protein of 2.6 g, >UA - positive for RBC, no casts >... 796 days ago17:43 freecme000 has uploaded a presentation Board-Review-Images-1 Board-Review-Images-1 796 days ago17:42 freecme000 has uploaded a presentation Board-Review-Images-2 brimagesPresentation2 796 days ago17:36 freecme000 has uploaded a presentation Board-Review-Images-3 Board-Review-Images111 796 days ago17:33 freecme000 has uploaded a presentation BOARD REVIEW IMAGES 4 BOARD REVIEW IMAGES 4 802 days ago05:58 freecme000 has uploaded a blog Recurrent hematuria and left flank pain In a 25-year-old lady 28-year-old Asian lady was referred by primary care doctor to renal clinic with concern of recurrent hematuria often associated with left flank pain. 802 days ago05:27 freecme000 has uploaded a podcast Lowering GFR to Protect GFR! CLICK LINK BELOW , Dr. Josie Briggs - Podcast on GFR paradox: SGLT inhibitors and other kidney-protective drugs initially cause a drop in GFR