55-year-old male with post renal transplant with worsening renal function, HTN and gout attacks.
Published on May 3, 2022
55-year-old male with history of living related kidney transplant 7 years ago on chronic immunosuppression ( prograf, cellcept and prednisone) and PMH significant for htn, gout presents with worsening renal function (creatinine increasing from 1.2 to 3.2 range over the past 4 year) with increasing frequency of gout attacks over past one year.
VITALS - BP 165 /100 mm hg, RR 16, Afebrile. weight 155 pounds, Gum exam showed very thin, black-blue line visible along the margin of the gums, at the base of the teeth, no gout tophi seen.
Urine shows positive for glucose and mild proteinuria in 500 mg per day range without any hematuria - Uric acid is 10.0 range, creat 3.2 mg/dl. Renal U/s shows medical renal disease with increased cortical echogenicity. Renal biopsy shows no evidence of rejection but showed evidence of chronic interstitial fibrosis and tubular atrophy.
Currents Meds - prograf, cellcept and prednisone, and Lisinopril.
Occupation - works in ammunition factory for past 6 years.
Most likely primary reason for worsening renal failure is -
A. HTN related nephrosclerosis
B. Chronic gout related CKD
C. Heavy Metal exposure in occupation
D. Calcineurin ( prograf)induced nephrotoxicity
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