Site Navigation
Upload video - if your video is already on youtube or vimeo , copy the video url link using the share icon on youtube, click grab video button, enter the link under video url, assign category( choose miscellaneous if your category is not available), click find video, then click save video sign ( floppy disc sign at the right corner at the top of the your video). Your video will be available for public viewing once cleared by our curating team.
Upload Video( new recorded video file), Upload case quiz( image file only) , Upload presentations( powerpoint, word doc, pdf only), Upload Podcast ( audiofile only) - click on Plus ( +) sign on left top corner, select the appropriate file for each chosen category, then complete title, description, and tags for each file, select the appropriate category and click on the green box on top left ( upload sign) . Your post will be available for public viewing once cleared by our curating team.
CME Blog/ Edit your posting
To create new blog, click on home, then select " media library" on left side columns, click on blogs, click on " add new blog"( +), then complete title, description, assign category and click "save as new", then use " edit " button to start editing your blog posting.
Use " about" to describe the blog, click on "blog content " to open the box for writing the blog - use hyperlink tab to add an hyper link of relevant content on the web/ Use upload button to attach/ incorporate your own currently active prior posted video, image/ picture, audio/podcast, document/ presentations on the website.
TO ADD NEW FILE ATTACHMENTS OF VIDEO/IMAGE/AUDIO/DOCUMENTS to your blog- USE THE SITE UPLOAD BUTTON IN THE CENTER SCREEN BELOW SEARCH tab. Click on "Thumbnail" to select the representative image - click on save/update. . Your post will be available for public viewing once cleared by our curating team.
Click on browse tab in the center , select the category( video, case quiz, podcast, cme blogs, presentations) in the left side columns , select the browsing subcategory for selected main category under " best of kidney tube" on the lower half of left side columns.
Any of selected content has options to like, don't like, social medial sharing, add to playlist, watch list, favorites, and flag content at the bottom. . click browse channels to view channels and then click on "follow" button to follow channels you like.
>Media Library - for overview of all your posted content in different categories with option to edit/delete content. It is also a place to keep track of your favorites, likes, history, watchlists, playlists, comments, responses.
>My Account - to keep track of account statistics overview, profile set up, choose which activity to share, manage account, e mail options.
>My Channel - for choosing channel modules, set up and channel art
>Message Center - add user names you like to contact list by clicking on new contact, use burger = icon on top to add selected contacts to friends, this will send a friend invite to the users and if they accept they will show up in your friends list . use new label to label your contacts into groups.
Search tab
type the first few words of topic that uou would like to search, click on "filters" below search tab to narrow your search