Updates in LN: New Era of Therapies with Dr. Alfred Kim
Published on Mar 30, 2022
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Dr. Alfred Kim is at Barnes-Jewish Hospital and Assistant Professor of Medicine at Washington University School of Medicine where he also directs the Lupus Clinic and co-directs the Biobanking Core for the Division of Rheumatology. He has an independent research program broadly addressing unmet needs in human systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE), with specific foci in complement (both as biomarkers and its biology in SLE), improving our understanding of the etiologies of social support erosion in our SLE cohort and developing programs to restore it, and using novel noninvasive imaging strategies to detect glomerulonephritis. More recently, Dr. Kim started the COVaRiPAD study, examining the immunogenicity and reactogenicity of SARS-CoV-2 vaccination in systemic autoimmune patients on immunosuppression.